
11. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски A—F частями предложений, обозначенными цифрами 1—7. Одна из частей в списке 1—7 лишняя. Занесите цифры, обозначающие соответствующие части предложений, в таблицу.

Ancient Rome

The founding of Rome goes back to the very early days of civilization. It is so old that today it is known as «the eternal city». The Romans thought that their city was founded in the year 753 BC. Modern historians, however, believe it was the year 625 BC.

Early Rome was governed by kings, ___ (A), the Romans took power over their own city and ruled themselves. They had a council known as the «senate», ___ (B). From this point on one speaks of the «Roman Republic».

The word «Republic» itself comes from the Latin words «res publica», which mean «public matters». The senate appointed a consul, ___ (C), but only for one year. This was a wise idea, as the consul ruled carefully and not as a tyrant, for he knew that otherwise he could be punished by the next consul, once his year was up.

The Roman Republic was a very successful government. It lasted from 510 BC until 23 BC – almost 500 years. In comparison the United States of America only exist since 1776 – less than 250 years.

The greatest challenge the Roman Republic faced was that of the Carthaginians. Carthage was a very powerful city in North Africa, ___ (D). The fight between the two sides was a long one and took place on land and on sea.

The most famous incident came when the great Carthaginian general Hannibal crossed the mountain chain of the Alps to the north of Italy with all his troops and invaded Italy. However, Rome finally won and Carthage was completely destroyed in the year 146 BC.

Rome’s most famous citizen was no doubt Julius Caesar. He was a Roman politician and general ___ (E). In the year 49 BC Caesar crossed the small river between his province and Italy, called the river Rubicon, and conquered Rome. His military campaigns also took him to Egypt, ___ (F). His life ended abruptly as he was infamously murdered in the senate in Rome.

So famous and respected was Caesar that a month of the year is still named after him today. Also, the great English poet William Shakespeare wrote a famous play called Julius Caesar about his famous murder.

1. who ruled Rome like a king

2. but after only seven of them had ruled

3. where he met the famous Cleopatra

4. which controlled its own empire

5. which he then ruled as a dictator

6. which ruled over them

7. who conquered the vast territory in France

